






1. J. Álvarez-Aramberri, K. Key, D. Pardo, M. Shahriari, J. A. Rivera, and C. Torres-Verdín, Combining different spatial dimensions for the fast simulation of magnetotelluric problems, ``24th EM Induction Workshop'', Helsingor, Denmark, Aug. 2018. (invited)

2. D. Pardo, M. Shahriari, J. A. Rivera, and C. Torres-Verdín, Update on the Rapid Inversion of LWD Re- sistivity Measurements in UTAPWeLS, ``Joint Industry Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation'' (Eighteen Annual Meeting), Austin, TX, USA, Aug. 2018. (invited)

3. M. Shahriari, D. Pardo, A. Picón, A. Galdrán, J. del Ser, and C. Torres-Verdín, Deep Learning Method for the Rapid Inversion of Borehole Resistivity measurements, ``Joint Industry Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation'' (Eighteen Annual Meeting), Austin, TX, USA, Aug. 2018. (invited)

4. J. Muñoz-Matute, V. M. Calo, D. Pardo, and E. Alberdi, Adbekzio-difusio ekuazioaren errorearen adie- razpena eta helburuetara orientatutako egokitzapena espazio-denboran Runge-Kutta esplizituak era- bilita, ``III Encuentro de Matemáticos Vascos'', Eibar, Spain, Jul 2018. (invited)

5. D. Guignard, S. Prudhomme, V. Darrigrand, D. Pardo, and K. Kergrene, Adaptive Algorithm with Diffe- rent Error Representations in Goal-Oriented Error Estimation, ``13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (ICCS 2018)'', New York, NY, USA, Jul 2018. (invited)

6. V. Darrigrand, D. Pardo, Th. Chaumont-Frelet, I. Muga, and S. Prudhomme, Goal-Oriented hp- Adaptivity Using Unconventional Error Representations, ``13th World Congress on Computational Me- chanics (ICCS 2018)'', New York, NY, USA, Jul 2018. (invited)

7. J. Muñoz-Matute, V. M. Calo, D. Pardo, and E. Alberdi, Error Representation and Space-Time Goal- Oriented Adaptivity for the Advection-Diffusion Equation Employing Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods, ``13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (ICCS 2018)'', New York, NY, USA, Jul 2018. (invited)

8. D. Pardo, C. Torres-Verdín and A. Rodríguez-Rozas, Fast Dimensionally Adaptive Inversion of LWD and Deep Azimuthal Resistivity Measurements, ``IOR Geosteering Workshop'', Bergen, Norway, Jun 2018. (invited)

9. M. Shahriari, S. Rojas, D. Pardo, A. Rodriguez-Rozas, S. A. Bakr, V. M. Calo, I. Muga and J. Muñoz, A Fast 1.5D Multi-scale Finite Element Method for Borehole Resistivity Measurements, ``International Congress on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2018)'', Wuxi, China, Jun 2018. (invited)

10. D. Garcia-Lozano, D. Pardo, V. M. Calo and J. Muñoz, refined Isogeometric Analysis (rIGA): A multi- field application on a fluid flow scenario, ``International Congress on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2018)'', Wuxi, China, Jun 2018. (invited)

11. J. Muñoz, D. Pardo, V. M. Calo and E. Alberdi, Space-Time Goal-Oriented Adaptivity and Error Esti- mation for Parabolic Problems employing Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods, ``International Congress on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2018)'', Wuxi, China, Jun 2018. (invited)

12. Th. Chaumont-Frelet, A. Rodríguez-Rozas, and D. Pardo, Non-fitting grids in the finite element inver- sion of resistivity geosteering measurements, ``Fifth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization Problems'', Bilbao, Spain, May 2018. (invited)

13. D. García-Lozano, D. Pardo, and V. M. Calo, Refined Isogeometric Analysis (rIGA) with multiphysics applications, ``Fifth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization Problems'', Bilbao, Spain, May 2018. (invited)

14. J. Muñoz,D. Pardo, V. M. Calo, and E. Alberdi, Galerkin methods for time-domain goal-oriented adap- tivity, ``Fifth International Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization Problems'', Bilbao, Spain, May 2018. (invited)

15. Th. Chaumont-Frelet, M. Shahriari, and D. Pardo, A 1.5D adjoint-based formulation for computing de- rivatives of resistivity measurements with respect to bed boundary layers in geosteering, ``Fifth Inter- national Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization Problems'', Bilbao, Spain, May 2018. (invited)

16. O. Castillo-Reyes, J. de la Puente, J. M. Cela, HPC geophysical electromagnetic modeling. ``Fifth Inter- national Congress on Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Optimization Problems'', Bilbao, Spain, May 2018. (invited)

17. O. Castillo-Reyes, J. de la Puente, J. M. Cela, Electromagnetic modeling using Nédélec elements of high-order and HPC. ``XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering – CILAMCE", Paris/Compiègne, France, November 2018.

18. O. Castillo-Reyes, J. de la Puente, J. M. Cela, HPC code development using Python. ``Mexican Supercomputing Network annual meeting – RedMexSu", Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2018.

19. J. Álvarez-Aramberri, K. Key, and D. Pardo, Advanced Numerical Methods to Enhance Electromagnetic Simulations, ``2018 Electromagnetic Methods Research Consortium'', Columbia University, NYC, USA, Oct. 2018. (invited) 

20. M. Shahriari, S. Rojas, D. Pardo, A. Rodriguez-Rozas, S. A. Bakr, V. M. Calo, and I. Muga, A fast multiscale finite element method for geophysical resistivity measurements, ``20th International Conference on Structural and Computational Geophysics (ICSCG 2018)'', Prague, Czechia, Sep. 2018. (invited)

21. S Ahmed, T Mu ̈ller, M Madadi, VM Calo, “Pore-scale digital rock physics for poroelastic parameter determination,” SEG Technical Program, 3668-3672, 2018 

22. B Zhang, V Puzyrev, VM Calo, D Yang, T Mu ̈ller, “Seismic modeling in porous media using the viscosity-extended Biot framework,” SEG Technical Program, 3918-3922, 2018 

23. “Effects of kinematic boundary conditions on trench curvature in a retreating subduction zone: insights from analog modelling” M. Fernández, A. Kumar, M. Peral, F. Funiciello, S. Zlotnik, C. Faccenna, J. Vergés American Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018. 

24. “A Reduced Order Modeling Approach to Crack Propagation in Elastic Media and its Application to Hydraulic Fracturing Models” H. Garikapati, S. Zlotnik, C. Verhoosel, H. van Brummelen, P. Díez, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, July 22-27, 2018 

25. “Ultra-fast solution of Stokes problem via Model Order Reduction within 3D inversion of lithospheric structure” Ortega O., S. Zlotnik, J. C. Afonso, and P. Díez, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna. 

26. “Arching a retreating slab: a numerical model of the Gibraltar system” Peral M., S. Zlotnik, M. Fernandez, J. Vergés, A. Kumar, F. Funiciello, C. Faccenna, and J. Ruh, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna. 

27. “Including magnetotelluric data into multi-observable probabilistic inversion: implications for the physical state and water content of the continental lithosphere” Manassero M.C., J. C. Afonso, F. Zyserman, S. Zlotnik, M. Rosas-Carbajal, and S. Thiel, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna. 

28. “Dynamics of small scale subduction systems: a numerical and analogue approach”, Peral M., J. Ruh, S. Zlotnik, F. Funiciello, M. Fernandez, C. Faccenna, J. Vergés, and T. Gerya, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna. 

29. Ignacio Muga, Projection in negative norms & the regularization of rough linear functionals. Venue: 5th International Workshop on Multiphysics, Multiscale and Optimization Problems (M2OP5). BCAM, Bilbao, Spain.

 30. Ignacio Muga, Projection in negative norms & the regularization of rough linear functionals. Venue: Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics (ETAMM2018), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

 31. Ignacio Muga, Projection in negative norms & the regularization of rough linear functionals. Venue: 1st Colombian Conference of Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Bogotá, Colombia.

 32. Ignacio Muga, El método de Petrov-Galerkin y la evolución histórica de su constante de quasi-optimalidad. Venue: LIV Semana de la Matemática, Valparaíso, Chile.

 33. Ignacio Muga, Minimización residual discreta para advección-reacción en espacios de Banach. Venue: LXXXVII Encuentro Anual Sociedad de Matemática de Chile, Rancagua, Chile.